The School centre Nova Gorica was invited to take part in the UNESCO-UNEVOC and BIBB Conference “Mapping current trends in TVET for sustainable and digital transformation” hosted by OMNIA, Finland.
The purpose of the event was to provide a platform to discuss trends in new qualifications and competencies in Europe as well as present emerging trends in Africa and Asia-Pacific.
The UNESCO-UNEVOC and BIBB conference and BILT Bridging event “Mapping current trends in TVET for sustainable and digital transformation” was held between the 21st and 23rd of June 2022. Around 50 participants have been invited to join the event in Espoo and 400 participants joined the conference online. The participants represented vocational education institutions in Europe, Asia and Africa.
Participants joining on-site (by invitation) engaged in matchmaking sessions for peer learning about the processes of identifying new digital and green skills and integrating and implementing them into new qualifications, curricula and teaching and learning processes.
The BILT Bridging Event provided an opportunity to discuss the new Self-Reflection Tool tool with the pilot institutions. One of the 8 piloting institutions is also the School Centre Nova Gorica. The Self-Reflection Tool was one of a range of TVET products and practices presented at a virtual showroom.
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