It offers students training courses capable of developing knowledge, skills and competences that will allow them to face, with the most up-to-date work tools, the cultural and professional challenges of a European dimension that await them.
Core values
We promote:
Your life is flexible, so are we: Thanks to our flexible working options, you can achieve the perfect work-life balance.
We offer our employees the opportunity to develop themselves both professionally and personally.
Our employees are our greatest in an attractive remuneration package for everyone.
Suggestion and Innovation award scheme to reward your best ideas.
Occupational health support and advice.
Mentors from different departments will support you through your first two years.
In particular, the almost obligatory use and expansion of platforms and media have proved themselves an exceptional and stimulating opportunity for exchange, sharing and cooperation between teachers and learners; monitoring carried out at the end of the year brought out serious reflections on the new challenges and needs that ISIS considers fundamental for re-calibrate the choices for the future. The strategic geographic location on the border of Friuli Venezia-Giulia with the nations of Austria and Slovenia and the close economic-commercial, cultural and linguistic relationships also undertaken with Germany and Croatia as well as the central position of our institute located on a territory with a tourist vocation and commercial with these countries, allows us to enhance cooperation and culture through mutual knowledge with the involvement of pupils, teachers and in general with the entire educating community. Therefore, knowledge, socialization, collaboration between students, teachers and staff of cross-border schools would contribute to European integration and increase the opportunities for exchange of good practices, favoring the use of European languages,the experiences of PCTO in the extraterritorial and a plan of confrontation with the educating communities closeto us also in terms of job opportunities. This could also contribute to the consolidation of relationships and relationships between institutions, asa useful synergy with positive effects throughout the territory.
Did you finished college and do you want to start off on the right foot? We have exciting opportunities for recent graduates and international graduates.
Are you looking to find a technical or commercial internship, complete a thesis or take on a position as a working student? We would be happy to support you as best we can.
We have participated in and coordinated many international projects over the last 10 years such as, for example, Comenius, Erasmus+ 2015/17, ErasmusERMES VET, Erasmus+ accreditation school and Consortium 2021/27, Globe, has promoted certifications that can be spent in work contexts . These are complementary activities to curricular teaching to increase some skills specific to students and result in obtaining salable certifications in the world of work such as:
Rossanna Andrian
Other companies in our IOT network
Do you want to get involved?
Get in touch.
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