Policymakers at EU, national and regional levels need to work efficiently with all relevant stakeholders (industry, social partners, education and training providers, researchers etc.) to equip Europe with the skills for the future by 2030. Europe has set ambitious targets for this in the European Skills Agenda, the Digital Decade and the EU Industrial Strategy, making available unprecedented funding to achieve these goals through in particular the Multi-Financial Framework and NextGenerationEU. Upskilling and reskilling the workforce is a topic of crucial importance, which had been looming large due to societal and technological changes. The COVID-19 pandemic made it extremely visible recently.
People need to be equipped to enhance their lives and increase their competences in the digital and green era. Europe has set itself very ambitious targets, such as increasing the number of ICT specialists from currently 7.8 million in the EU27 to 20 million ICT specialists with a convergence between women and men by 2030 or increasing the take up of digital technologies with 75% of European enterprises having taken up cloud computing services, big data and artificial intelligence. To reach these, Europe will probably need to accomplish both formulation and execution of compelling, innovative and long-term national EU Member State visions and strategies.
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