Issues and challenges in IoT and smart manufacturing webinar

What are the implications of the transition to Industry 4.0/5.0? On 30th November 2020, the question was posed to protagonists in the industrial and the academic scenes of Friuli-Venezia Giulia in the course of a webinar on issues and challenges in IoT and Smart Manufacturing organized by a ISIS A.Malignani.

On 30th November 2020, at the end of the 3rd Talentjourney partners’ meeting, ISIS A.Malignani organized a webinar on Issues and challenges in IoT and smart manufacturing. Nearly 300 people attended the event including students, teachers, companies and other organizations active in the sector from different countries. In the webinar the question “ What are the implications of the transition to Industry 4.0/5.0?”was posed to representatives of some of the major players on the regional scene of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, sharing outlooks both from an industrial and from an academic point of view. The first speech was about “IoT and Cybersecurity”. Professor Marino Miculan of the University started the webinar with a brief introduction to IoT and to common IoT scenarios. He described how the advent of IoT delivers a breakthrough in everyday life, from consumers’ experience to smart cities, from research to production environments. Then he moved on to discuss security risks related to the IoT, highlighting the importance of cybersecurity awareness and readiness, and hence the need of professional experts in the field. Related to this growing demand for experts, Professor Agostino Dovier (UNIUD) briefly presented the University of Udine’s degree course in “IoT, Big Data and Machine Learning”. The second speech was about sustainability and IIOT. Rolando Paolone, a senior executive of the multinational company Danieli, described innovative solutions in steel production, in which green technologies are combined with IIoT technologies and wide AI utilization to ensure sustainability, the main river of the economy in the next years. The third speech was about Digital Twins and new Business Models. Roberto Siagri, Eurotech’s CEO with a long professional experience in the ICT sector, talked about the 4th industrial revolution and the new production paradigm: the digital production. The new production model is based on the outcome of the products and not on the product itself. This is changing the economy for the better: with digital technologies we are now entering the new phase of sustainable growth. The sustainability is coming from the use of the products and not from the ownership of the product itself. In order to implement this new model real time data of the products are a must; these data are the Digital Twins of the products and are the enabler of this transformation. The recording of the webinar is available on YouTube:



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