International Conference on Vocational Training 2021 “Vocational Education and Training in the Era of Humanity, Technology and Intelligence”

The Vice-Ministry of Vocational Education and Training of the Department of Education of the Basque Government will hold the International Congress of Vocational Training of the Basque Country entitled “Vocational Education and Training in the age of humanity, technology and intelligence” on the tenth and eleventh of November 2021, at the Kursaal Palace in San Sebastian.
The fourth industrial revolution, the digital transformation and the development of intelligent systems are transforming societies. Many jobs will become obsolete, or change substantially, and new ones will emerge. Businesses, especially SMEs, have, and will continue to have, serious difficulties in adapting to the transitions and remaining competitive. On top of this, the planet is starting to show signs of exhaustion. The green transition is a necessity: if societies do not become sustainable, the world as we know it will disappear. Furthermore, globalisation, driven by digitalisation, continues to advance by leaps and bounds to the point where everything we do in one place affects and is in turn affected by, what happens in others.
In this context, Vocational Education and Training becomes a key transforming agent: it trains the workers of the future, enables those who are active to adapt to the changes, inserts the unemployed into the labour market and allows companies to be competitive.
The conference “VET in the age of humanity, technology and intelligence” allows you to reflect, at an international level and with speakers of the highest level, on what Vocational Education and Training can do to enable societies to overcome the challenges of the technological-digital and green transitions.

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